Sunday 5 July 2020


Duomo di Cefalù
Cefalù is a popular tourist resort on Sicily's northern coast. It's an ancient fishing port at heart, that in recent years has become the beachside resort of choice for those seeking sun and sand along the Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily. You definitely won’t be overwhelmed with lots of things to do in Cefalu but at the heart of the historic centre lies a beautiful Arab-Norman cathedral. Now a UNESCO World heritage site (part of the Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalú and Monreale designation), the cathedral dates back to the 12th century and boasts elaborate Byzantine mosaics.  The Cathedral of Cefalù is an example of a socio-cultural syncretism between Western, Islamic, and Byzantine cultures. The similarities between the Cathedral of Cefalù and the Cathedral of Monreale are striking particularly with respect to the depiction of Christ Pantokrator in the main apse. The elaborate Byzantine mosaics predate those of Monreale by 20 or 30 years.

Duomo di Cefalù

Duomo di Cefalù

Duomo di Cefalù

Ostaria del Duomo in Piazza del Duomo

Capo Cefalù Lighthouse
Cefalù, Sicily

Laundry Day!
Cefalù, Sicily

Lunch Anyone?
Cefalù, Sicily

Road in centre of Cefalù, Sicily

A spot of colour
Cefalù, Sicily

A bit of shopping
Cefalù, Sicily

The Generation Gap
Cefalù, Sicily
The following web site provides more information on Cefalù, Sicily: 

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