About Sam, I am

Hi I'm Sandra and you've found your way to my personal blog Sam, I am. I am a retired environmental scientist who has the good fortune of being able to live the “Freedom 55” dream (only a little earlier). I love travelling, museums, art, archaeology, history, photography, golf, skiing, reading and enjoying a nice glass of white wine (alas, I am allergic to red) with friends and family.

I had erroneously thought that having had spent the majority of my adult life writing, either as part of my education or profession, doing an “about profile” would be (for lack of originality) a walk in the park. Yeah right, anyway I am a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, and colleague. I am a proud Canadian and Newfoundlander and Labradorean. I am extroverted, but need ‘me’ time; opinionated, but usually able to back up my opinions, and willing to listen to listen to yours; gregarious, but can be moody when a mood hits; adventurous yet sensible; honest but tactful (normally); easygoing but do not suffer fools well; I organize and plan but will follow my gut instincts and will free wheel when necessary; logical, detailed, focused and decisive but also absent-minded and the trip from point A to Z will never be a straight line with me. Patience is not one of my virtues; not surprising considering that I think and act fast. That means I am sometimes wrong as well as have both feet in my mouth; usually followed by a laugh and an apology. I am self confident with a strong sense of self, colourful, chatty, bubbly, and am a happy person.

Schefferville, Quebec 1986
(Photo By Gord McKenna with permission, Flickr)
I grew up in the small northern mining town of Schefferville, Quebec that requires air or rail travel to get to it. The isolation and northern locale meant books were my lifeline to the outside world. I had by a young age, read cover to cover the Book of Knowledge. My parents had the common sense to subscribe to the National Geographic magazine (which was eagerly anticipated by all). Every summer come June 24th (after dad had sufficient seniority at his company), the truck and camper were packed and shipped by rail to Sept-Iles, Quebec. The Meron family were off on our next trip, sometimes an adventure; other times family visits and more often than not, both. So I have been a traveller all my life.

I started this blog during the planning process for our 2014 girl’s trip. I realized I have not finished processing and organizing the photos from my last trip (with hubby). I have been travelling at least, twice a year since 2009 and have a large collection of photos. Like any traveller, I have the requisite “tourist” shots but the majority of mine are art, architecture or nature shots. I don’t take photos just to have the photos (only to be forgotten and abandoned a few months later), rather because the object photographed evoked an emotional response. Then the scientist takes over, I want to know the what, where, when, who and why of the object. That requires research and a photo is necessary part of the research, while making for wonderful memories. I’m not one for buying souvenirs during my travels; rather my photos are my souvenirs, enhanced by my subsequent research about them. So this blog is my electronic journal, where I can organize my thoughts, impressions and most importantly my souvenirs and memories of my travels.

My name is Sandra Ann (Meron) Whiteway, hence the Sam part. My family and childhood friends called me Sam, especially when they wanted something from me. Welcome to Sam, I am!

“Not all those who wander are lost.”  J. R. Tolkien