Monday 25 September 2017

Vibrant, Colourful and Noisy

Tunnel along Regent's Canal
A visually arresting destination is non-negotiable to any photographer; amateur or pro. Details really don't matter if there's no story behind it. In reality the best photographs and memories are made by going exploring, and get off the beaten tourist path because getting lost on purpose or by accident is a photographer's joy, even when at home. Ask me to describe London using just words it would be familiar, different, contrasts, similarities, poverty, wealth, uppity, welcoming, exclusive, inclusive, knowledge, ignorance, new, old and so very much more;  all combine to paint a portrait of a grand old dame. So as multiple time visitor who didn't want to see and photography the "postcard" London this trip, where does one go for a low key day with photography possibilities: well to area of London that is a real feast for the eyes, unique, kinda quirky and ultimately eclectic. All of which can be summed up in one word....Camden.  

Hip, edgy, gritty, eclectic, grungy, fun, alternative...these words and more only scratch the surface when describing the one of a kinda collection of food stalls, vendors and shops found at the market at Camden lock and area. This is indeed a photographers paradise.  So much to see, so much to photograph. My visit was a fantastic experience! To be blunt I loved it; it was vibrant, colourful, noisy and fragrant!  Next visit to London will definitely include another Camden visit.  This time on my schedule to browse some more and maybe shop a bit.  Oh and yes most definitely to take a few more snaps, hopefully with a bit more blue in the sky.  


The Gaze

All Dressed Up With No Place To Go!
Say Cheese! 


Dragon Medusa

New Rock Boots

Fancy Fidgets

Maybe, Then Again Maybe Not! 

Panama Hats

Horse Tunnel Market


Lock Workers
Shoe Store

Another Shoe Store

Tattoo Parlour
Another Tattoo Parlour

Burritos, No not Mexican but Korean.  

Camden Lock

Wednesday 13 September 2017

A Good Photograph is Knowing Where to Stand

Peeking at Bridge of Sighs
with Marco Secchi
Photography is essentially documenting a point in time by producing your artistic interpretation of it (emphasis on your). Good photography requires patience, dedication, creativity, good luck, and a lot of hard work. The advent of digital photography (as well as social media) has not changed that, all it has really done is open new doors with promises of instant gratification, numerous shortcuts and the ability to click away at no additional cost thereby increasing the likelihood of a good shot. But is that good photography; well yes and no, and really that depends the intent of your photograph. Digital photography has made photography more fun and available to the masses. Many of my personal favourites are from family and friends sharing a special moment from their day. They make me smile and wish I was there, which was their intended purpose.

Ha'Penney Bridge, Dublin Photo Tour 
Digital photography means almost everyone carries a camera (cell phone cameras are cameras) and that is definitely true for travellers. Therefore the growth and proliferation of Photography Tours was a natural progression of this reality. Photography tours can range for several hours to photo adventure vacations, tend to be comprised of relatively small groups and are for all levels of photographers. The concept can be appealing: travel around with a pro photographer who can show you all the great places to shoot.

Barcelona Building Facade with Stefano Markovina
Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona
Now, I am an enthusiastic amateur with good knowledge of my camera gear so doing a day (or half day) photo tour is not about enhancing my camera skills per say, rather it is about working with a professional photographer who can suggest alternate venues to visit and photograph other than the traditional tourist sites. This is not for everyone but remember local photographers are extremely knowledgeable about both photography and their locale. Ansel Adams stated "A good photograph is knowing where to stand” and local photographers know where to stand. The upside to doing a day or half day photo tour is that they are significantly less expensive than workshop or vacation photography tours, and these photographers definitely know all the off-the-beaten-path shooting locations. A big plus is you can schedule the rest of your trip around your time and other interests.

The Eiffel Tower
with William Lounsbury
When hiring a local photographer, make sure they know exactly what you want to photograph. I tend to send them links to my blog and Flickr site, as well as any for my travel companions who will be taking the tour with me. This gives them an idea of the skill levels and interests.  Furthermore as the group size is limited (usually 4 or less at a fixed rate), this is a cost effective private tour focused on your interests. Be prepared to walk and use public transport.  No chauffeured rides for these type of tours. The best ones will schedule tours for the best light conditions; early mornings, dusk or night. It really is all about the light. Ultimately working with a professional results in some great photographs and yes, the bonus is you will always learn a thing or two about photography!  So here's to taking a good photography by knowing where to stand...and a little help does go a long way especially when one has time constraints.

Venice Photography Tour (with Marco Secchi)

A gentleman who knows and loves Venice (  During his tour, Marco suggested several places to visit to us based on our interests and that definitely helped make this trip memorable.  This was the first Photography Tour I took and he is the reason I try to book one in most cities because the experience was so great.  

Sunrise over The Grand Canal

Piazza San Marco - Up Before the Birds! 
Bridge of Sighs - A Little Different Perspective
Sprucing up - Venetian Facades

Paris Night Photography Tour (William Lounsbury)  

I wanted to do some night photos in Paris but I was by myself.  I figure it was safer to do a night tour with a photographer (  Great decision.  I got some great photos despite it being a fairly breezy night.

Louvre Pyramid


The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile
Sometimes it's the right location but due to a variety of circumstances it's the wrong time for the perfect tourist photo.  


Barcelona Photography Tour (Stefan Politi Markovina) 

The photography tour we did with Stefan ( focused on area surrounding Las Ramblas particularly the El Raval Neighbourhood.

This mural "Together We Can Stop AIDS" by Keith Haring was done in 1989 in Barcelona’s notoriously drug-infested Barrio del Chino. In the mid-90’s, the mural was disintegrating, so a tracing was made, and the mural was transferred to an outdoor wall at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona (2014).


Statue in Plaza Catalunya with Hotel Barcelona in the background

La Boqueria Market

Dublin Photography Tour  (Darren McLoughlin)

This was a great tour which started out with street or urban art near our hotel that we would never have found.  Darren's knowledge about both Dublin and photography made this tour worthwhile and totally enjoyable (  Add in some great tourist attractions and it was a day well spent.  The Street art was so fascinating on this tour that I did a blog specifically about it. .  

Chapel Royal and Record Tower, Dublin Castle

St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin

The Morrigan, a Celtic Deity by Friz at Tivoli Theatre Car Park.

London Photography Tour (with Andrei Botnaru)  

Our Photography Tour with Andrei ( was booked through Aperture Tours and they will design a tour specifically for you as it is a private tour.  They recognize that not everyone wants to shoot the tourist attractions.  We went to Kentish and Camden Town areas and had a blast.   

Meeting in Progress!  Do Not Disturb.

Grand Union Walk Townhouses
Built in 1988 to a design by the renowned architect Sir Nicholas Grimshaw.

Bucks Head Roof Garden (Buck Street, Camden)

Monday 13 February 2017

An Affair to Remember or is it Really One For The Ages

I told my husband that I am having an affair!  Now, now; it's not with another man but rather with a museum.  Growing up I remember telling my mother in my early teens that I was going to go visit Paris to see Versailles and the Louvre. I can't remember why I wanted to see them, but for some reason I did. My first overseas trip was to London and then onto Paris; my own modern version of "a tale of two cities".  My love affair with the Louvre started before I visited and continues to this very day, even after multiple visits.  

The Louvre is massive and IS NOT for everyone (embrace that) because to be honest art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. The Louvre in reality is a place that should be savoured like a meal prepared by the finest chef and not like fast food. Alas for many of us tourists, the fast food version is often all the time we can spare. I probably have walked most if not all the rooms and the permanent exhibits housed within the Louvre; but I can honestly say I have yet to see everything.  Every visit I discover something new. The most important thing when visiting the Louvre is to plan a day or two (yes that can indeed mean 7 or 8 hours) for your visit (it's closed on Tuesdays) and to buy your tickets in advance; else expect long queues (lines) and to use a year's quota or more of patience in them. Choose your entrance wisely; there are four or five entrances and with some preplanning you can avoid the long queues. My recommendation would be to enter through the Carousel entrance (or preferably the Porte des Lions entrance (do confirm that it is open on day of your visit)) and exit through the Pyramid entrance. You get in quickly while still experiencing the chaos and wonder that is part of the pyramid entrance experience.

A small crowd visiting Mona (yes this qualifies as small).
This is the one place I truly recommend doing research and planning in advance of your visit to determine what you want to see. Also to be blunt, focus on your interests not on someone else's top 20 list. The least crowded areas of the Louvre are the top floors of Richelieu and Sully Wings which house the French and northern-European paintings (they really are fantastic by the way). These areas were nearly always empty on all my visits as most visitors (and tours) don't seem make it that far and therefore it will be quieter and cooler. Also expect to be subjected to a form of sensory overload as art can invades ones every sense and to be honest can exhaust you in ways you will never expect or can explain.

The Mona Lisa is arguably the Louvre's most famous piece, and seeing her is a bucket list cliche. Why I really can't explain; other than most people go to see it because it's famous (albeit only after it was stolen in 1911). I have seen it and am still amazed at how small it is (77 x 53 cm or 30 x 20 inches). Of course having it showcased directly across from one of the largest (if not the largest) painting in the Louvre (Veronese's "The Wedding Feast at Cana") does emphasize how small it actually is. Furthermore it is a dark piece, covered with bullet-proof glass and flanked by guards. So you may get to see it close up for 30 seconds and maybe snap a not so great picture if you are lucky. Most days you can hear the crowds in that section of the gallery long before you see them. Honestly there are many other treasures by Da Vinci that are far more worthy of one's attention but IMHO Mona probably isn't one. I am obviously not a fan but I will admit it took viewing it, to reconfirm that original impression.

As good as it gets during tourist season.
Take with 5D Mark III, ISO 800, Sigma 35mm F1.4 
With over 35,000 works on display at any given time, there really is something for everyone. When I first visited the Louvre, I found I was much more interested in the sculptures than the paintings. That position has evolved over time and with multiple visits. The Louvre is much more that the art that is housed within. It's grand scale and architecture including the breath-taking ceilings and opulent marble fireplaces make the building itself is a piece of art.  Remember to "Look up, waaaaay up!" (my shout out to a beloved Canadian children's show; "The Friendly Giant") the ceiling panels are as beautiful and ornate as many of the artworks housed within.

The Louvre has an extensive online database at
( which provides basic information on a vast number of the pieces on display and lots of good information about the museum as well. If paintings are your thing, than the "The Louvre All the Paintings" by Erich Lessing and Vincent Pomarède is a fantastic reference.

A Few of My Louvre Favourites

The Wedding Feast at Cana; Paolo Veronese ca 1563 (approximately 1/6 of the painting is shown here).
Depicts the Bible story of a wedding banquet at which Jesus converts water to wine
Located across from the Mona Lisa.  

Centaur & Cupid, Marble. Ca 1st - 2nd A.D. Imperial Roman
Roman copy of Greek statue by a sculptor of Aphrodisias

The Caryatid Hall, Ground floor, Sully Wing.
Four female figures sculpted by Jean Goujon in 1550 that supported the musicians' gallery

Aphrodite of Milos better known as the Venus de Milo; Hellenistic marble
Attributed to Alexandros of Antioch ca 130-100 BC 
The Vow to the Madonna.  Jean Victor Schnetz 1831
This painting was originally intended for the Church Saint-Étienne-du-Mont in Paris

Assembly of the Gods. 1868.Louis Matout.
Study for the ceiling of the Salle d'Auguste in the Louvre Museum 

The Death of Sardanapalus, Eugène Delacroix 1827.
  Portrays the legendary Assyrian king, destroying his possessions before committing suicide.
His concubines, his horses, and his slaves would all be burned and destroyed.

Venus and the Three Graces Presenting Gifts to a Young Woman 1483. Sandro Botticelli
Originally decorated the walls of Villa Lemmi, a country villa near Florence owned by Giovanni Tornabuoni