Monday 26 October 2015

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

"A wise man invented beer.  A smart man drinks it.  But a genius drinks Guinness".   When in Dublin (August 2015), a visit to the Guinness Storehouse seemed to be in order. I went on the recommendation of my friend, who advised me to go for the view from the Gravity Bar, if for nothing else.   I had not read the reviews before going; which were you either loved it or hated it. I am not a beer drinker, it is rather pricey and could easily be considered a tourist trap. Much to my surprise I loved it!

The tour is self guided so you could spend as little or as much time as you wanted viewing the storehouse.  It is NOT a brewery tour so you will not see a working brewery, which is an experience in itself. It is essentially a museum of sorts house in the original brewery showcasing older models of machinery used to make beer, vintage Guinness advertisements and various assorted information about Guinness beer and their brewing process. As an enthusiastic amateur photographer, the Guinness Storehouse presented a variety of objects and textures that would delight and tempt most photographers.  It was also interesting to learn a bit about the brewing process from the Guinness perspective.

My recommendation is to pre-book on-line and avoid the cues; go early in the morning or later in the day; avoid the high tourist season, weekends and around St. Paddy's Day; take a camera and finally yes the view from the Gravity Bar is worth the price of admission.  Oh and yes this wine aficionado had a pint of Guinness and drank most of it. Finally don't be afraid of the's really just a dark ruby red. 

Views of Dublin from the Gravity Bar, Guinness St. James Gate Brewery

Saturday night sinners and Sunday saints (Notice the church conveniently located nearby the Guinness buildings)

Various equipment, valves and pipes found in older breweries.

Guinness Factory Gate

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Thank you so much for taking time to leave a comment. I hope you enjoyed your visit. Sam, I am.