Thursday 8 May 2014

Hunting Season has Arrived

Daily Iceberg Analysis Chart
for May 3 2014
Hunting season had arrived and by all indications it looks like it is going to be an exceptional year. Time to ensure the equipment is ready, you have the appropriate attire for all contingencies and weather (this is Newfoundland after all), have identified potential locations and routes to optimize coverage, thereby providing the greatest chance for a successful capture.  All is left is to pick the best time of day (morning or evening), bring lots of patience and head out hunting for the capture of the season...Icebergs. You thought I was going to say something else, like moose maybe! Oh and if you get lucky you'll have the ideal vantage point to yourself; yeah right, think again. The appearance of pack ice along Newfoundland's shores is nature's announcement that iceberg season has arrived, which for 2014 started in late April for the northeast Avalon.  

Iceberg Finder  Map May 3, 2014
For those of us who love to go iceberg hunting, icebergs are a welcome site. Our provincial government operates a Iceberg Finder website that aids in finding icebergs. All the icebergs won't be listed and they may have travel from their original sighting locale, but it's a tool to help narrow the search. The potential down sides of a good iceberg year are that we would be subjected to more northerly winds and potential unseasonal temperatures (definitely the case for 2014) as well our offshore oil and gas industry will have a challenging iceberg season. So far this season, two oil rigs were required to take evasive action. The Henry Goodrich and West Aquarius disconnected from their wells and ceased production due to approaching icebergs.  The lost production will results in multi-millions of loss revenue per day (both for the companies and provincial coffers). It could weeks or longer before they are able to resume production.

Based on the NA Ice Service Chart (Daily Iceberg Analysis Chart,  item #15), it indeed has the potential for being a good iceberg year. Enjoy the pictures of nature's floating giants (taken in 2014); and remember 90% of an iceberg is under water.  The attached video link is a compilation of iceberg video clips my husband and I took, set to the soundtrack of Songbird by Kenny G.  Iceberg Video May 2014 (soundtrack Songbird by Kenny G).

Update July 1, 2014:  Signal Hill Iceberg Collapse.
Iceberg Close Up from Tappers Cove (May 2014)

Iceberg in Pouch Cove, Newfoundland (May 2014)
Icebergs in Pouch Cove, Newfoundland (May 2014)
Iceberg Pouch Cove, Newfoundland (May 2014)

Large Iceberg Off Pouch Cove, Newfoundland (May 2014)

Iceberg in Harbour Main, Newfoundland (May 2014)
Iceberg in Tappers Cove (May 2014)

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